The green LED emits light toward a target in parallel, and project an edge of an object onto the CCD. Then, the CCD collects a light area and a dark area of an image and inspects the edges of the light and dark areas at the same time to obtain a measurement value such as a diameter, a displacement, etc. Unlike the existing principle of clicking and scanning a point notified by laser, this system employs the non-abrasion/high-precision CCD measurement principle to enhance a life of use and precision. Additionally, this system has advantages such as high precision, high measurement efficiency, maintenance of the measured component, data input to a data storage, the best warning functions, etc.
Measurement of a great diameter
Measurement of an outer diameter of a high-speed wire rod
Thickness measurement
Displacement measurement
Out of roundness measurement
Measurement of a location value
Inspection parts | |
Inspection items | Outer diameter and shaking |
Diameter of a part | φ8mm - φ25mm |
Inspection resolution | ±0.001mm |
Accuracy | Scale precision of ±0.005mm |
Inspection speed | 1,000 times/s |
Warranty period | 30,000 hours (Repair free of charge based on working for 12 hours a day) |
Work type | Continuous |
Power consumption | < 10W |
Protection grade in the units of photo-electricity | IP54 |
Work type | Continuous work for 24 hours x 7 days |
Work environment | A temperature of -10℃ to 40℃, 10%170% |
Power supply | 220V 15A |
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